In OMÂ (a combination of Oma, the German word for grandma, and Mâdarjun, the Farsi affectionate term for grandmother), the German-Iranian circus artist Roxana Küwen Arsalan reimagines a dialogue with her two grandmothers. They have never met in person, but now their granddaughter brings them together for a circus teatime performance full of poetry and humour. Juggling teapots, languages, and questions of privilege, OMA tosses the happenchance of our origins up into the air.
indoor // big top // outdoor // schools (with various workshop options)
OUTDOOR 45 MIN. from 6 years on
INDOOR 55 MIN from 8 years on
BOOKING: cie.bolbol at
Author and artist on stage: Roxana Küwen Arsalan
Outside Eye and texts (french): Lucie Boulay
Technical director: Camellia Rashidi
Dramaturgy and texts (german): Nele Cleo Liekenbrock
Co-translation and texts (english): Anna Vigeland
Music support and creative sound input: Alessandro Angius
Voices from the off: Magda Lena Schlott (german), Sonia Belskaya (french), Kate Mc Gregor Stewart (english)
Co-Lightdesign: Noémie Hajosie, Camellia Rashidi
Acting input: Véronique Tuaillon
Support and input costumes and decor: Ivana Bort
Production: La Supérette / Les Amis de Christine
Coproductions: La Maison des Jonglages Scène conventionnée La Courneuve FR / Carré Magique Lannion – Pôle national cirque en Bretagne FR / La Grainerie – Pôle européen de production et Scène conventionné d’intérêt national Balma FR / La Verrerie d‘Alès Pôle national cirque Occitanie FR / Kreationsbündnis Zirkus ON / Centre Culturel du Brabant Wallon BE
Residency support: Espace Périphérique La Villette Paris FR / Carré Magique Lannion FR
Residencies: La Cascade Pôle national cirque Ardèche Auvergne Rhône Alpes FR / Station Circus Basel CH / Tollhaus Karlsruhe / Kulturzentrum DasHaus Ludwigshafen / Centre Culturel du Brabant Wallon BE / Centre Culturel Soupetard Toulouse FR / Chamäleon Theater Berlin
Supported by: Studio PACT (La Grainerie), FOCON Esacto’Lido 2020/21, Kreationsbündnis Zirkus ON 2022/23

Photos by: Carla Dacal, Christophe Reynaud de Lage, Francis Rodor